The Corporate Governance Day on Addressing Sustainable Corporate Governance Issues



Approximate timings due to the online nature and the Q/A sessions at the event
Timing Morning Session: Topics/Speakers on Sustainable Corporate Governance
9:30 – 9:50 Registration
9:50 – 10:00 Welcome Remarks.

How can the board and management provide recommendations and corporate governance concerns to reflect and address the Sustainable Corporate Governance’s challenges?

Lady Olga Maitland, Chairman Copenhagen Compliance UK Ltd.

Leveraging Technology to Streamline Your ESG Program

  • how should you streamline your processes? Once your organisation has set sustainability goals, net-zero climate commitments, and is committed to sustainability reporting,
  • how to leverage technology to accelerate your ESG program and initiatives, automate data gathering for reports, and bring scale to your mission to have the highest potential impact.
  • what are the emerging trends and innovations in digitalisation and topical issues for investors, Boards, and audit committees?
Marleen Oberheide, Lead Solutions Engineer, OneTrust, the Trust Intelligence Platform

How to create a roadmap and a framework to implement, execute and monitor the management and directors’ duties and sustainable corporate governance

  • What are the critical concerns and processes that document high-quality evidence on the corporate identifications and solutions
Prof. Emmanuel Fragnière, Director of Treasury Management, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland Valais (HES-SO Valais-Wallis)
11:15 – 11:45

Corporate and Environmental Governance and Stewardship for Sustainability

  • Recognising accountability and addressing the consequences of corporate activities
  • Transparent reporting of negative externalities and engaging stakeholders
  • Re-thinking corporate purpose and stakeholder aspirations, goals and priorities
  • Aligning interests around collective responses to shared existential challenges
Colin Coulson-Thomas, Professor, Author, Chairman
11:45-11:55 Tea Break. The following sessions are on shareholder value
11:55 – 12:30

How to ensure that companies create long-term social value.

  • Address the pressing need to serve wider society
  • How we as GRC professionals can, help Board to exercise their oversight duty more effectively
  • How can companies leverage collective action and participate in the global concerns for increased social value
  • Caroline Mofors – Attorney, GRC Executive, Non-Executive Director (formerly SVP Chief Compliance & Integrity Officer Elekta AB)
12:30- 13:00

Board Governance and Emerging Risks

  • The evolution of the Board of Directors’ Role and Accountability
  • The understanding, commitment and evolution of the BoD committees
Governance Manager, Qatar Investment Authority; and Co-Chair of the Global Governance Committee, ICGN (International Corporate Governance Network)
13:00 – 13:30

Reshaping Boards and Repurposing Firms for a Sustainable Open Market Economy.

  • Corporate Purpose vs Societal Needs.
  • Shareholder vs Stakeholder Supremacy
  • Boards and Corporate Governance: The Challenges for a Sustainable Future
Dr Dimitrios N. Koufopoulos BSc, MBA, PhD, FCMI, FIC, CMBE, FRSA, Director of MBA Programmes, School of Law, University of London, Queen Mary University
13:30 – 14:00 Lunch Break

How to improve global corporate governance standards and framework

  • How to identify and address the complex and prescriptive good governance (likely do good than harm) mandates and structures.
Eythor Jonsson, President at Akademias (Iceland)
14:35 – 14:55

Improving corporate diversity with a range of perspectives, insights, and views. How to improve long-term stakeholder value, e.g. shareholder engagement, shareholder payouts, stock-based compensation, and stock liquidity

  • Identify and implement actions to increase accountability for shareholder value, such as shareholder engagement and stock-based pay.
  • How to address the short-term vs long-term objectives and shareholder value vs stakeholder value, short-termism with high payouts.
  • Sorting out long-term actions and short-term investments that benefit the company
Raffaele (Ray) D’Angelo, Principal Consultant | Mentor, Advisor, Educator, Trainer, Risk Management, Governance & Compliance, Insurance Placement & Claims Management, Business Continuity & Disruption, Health & Safety

Sustainable Corporate Governance and the Value Preservation Imperative:

  • Why a sustainable future requires a focus on both value creation and value preservation?
  • An Appreciation of the Value-centric Trinity (Value Creation, Value Preservation, and Value Destruction) – Sustainable Value = Value Creation + Value Preservation
  • The Value Preservation Imperative – Value Preservation Due Diligence
Sean Lyons, Value Preservation & Corporate Defense Author, Pioneer, and Thought Leader
15:30 – 16:00

How to comply with the global mandates on corporate sustainability with due diligence.

  • How to foster global sustainable and responsible corporate behaviour and anchor human rights in the corporate agenda
  • What environmental, sustainability, and corporate governance considerations must the organisation comply with?
  • How can the new global mandates ensure that businesses address the adverse impacts of their actions without greenwashing
Gina Green, Executive Director, Women in Ethics & Compliance (WEC) | Regulatory Compliance Finance

Final Panel, All speakers:

Corporate and Boardroom dynamics: working together with stakeholders to get things done

  • The current global challenges for the board and effective governance in a turbulent world
  • Measuring what matters measurement options to ensure expected performance CSR, ESG, SEE matters and outcomes.
Closing Remarks and Final Q&A to all speakers
*Conference Program is subject to change. The conference language is English